Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Strawberry Swing

I've been meaning to write my own blog for some time now, but I couldn't decide were to begin. For me putting my thoughts and feelings into words is rather difficult. Though it is not because I dont want to express them or because a feeling of discomfort, but rather I have to write them in a way that is understandable. I can only hope that this blog and those to come will convey my true thoughts and feelings and that by them you may see some sort of truth.

It was 1 week and 4 days ago that my eyes where unexpectedly opened to the true meaning of servitude. It was a rainy saturday afternoon and I was driving around Roanoke with no certain destination in mind. I begin to drive towards the new chik-fil-a over near homedepot and lowes. I passed tanglewood on my left and turned on my blinker to take the first exit on my right. As I began to take the exit I noticed a man walking, tightly huging is jacket, shoulders shrugged and his arms holding his upperbody in attempt to keep warm.

What happens next I will try my best to explain. Driving in my car, music jammin' and the heat on high I felt a sudden feeling of brokenness. Something in my heart jumped, longed and thrived for me to stop for this man. Love for the lost, helping one in need or my soul yearning to minister to the broken I slowed came to a stop in the middle of the road. I rolled my window down and I offered to give him a ride. He looked at me with shock in his eyes and stuttered "yes."

I know this may seem as an act of suicide on my part, but I have nothing to lose. I asked him where he wanted to go he said "the summit." At this statement I began to think that he wanted to take me somewhere that he could murder me, but I then realized it was the condos upon the hill above wal-mart. So I put my car in drive and began to take him home.

We talked the whole way there. Mostly random talk, but there was something different about it. Like it had purpose and depth. He told me that he used to live in Florida, but he moved here to support his mom. He said his car broke down as he was moving to roanoke and he walks everywhere he goes. We turned into his neighborhood and I pulled up to his house. The man turned to me and told me that if he ever saw me walking on the side of the road he would pick me up in an instint. I laughed and told him that it was a pleasure to give him a ride and that I hoped I would see him around sometime. He give me a great big smile and said "thank you." The door opened and he got out, zipped up his jacket and walked inside.

I felt as though I could feel Christ living in me, giving me breath and pumping my heart. That what I did for that man was a complete act of servitude and love. I felt as though Christ was looking me straight in the eye saying "well done my good and faithful servant..."-Matthew 25:23 I felt on fire for Christ! That by serving in love and joy you will be blessed with many things.

Christ has given us many gifts. Laughter, prayer and many others to further his kingdom. He told us to seek the lost and give to those who dont have. Whether its by a random act of kindness, praying for someone who has a broken heart, talking to the kid in the hallway who gets made fun of or sitting with the so-called "losers" at lunch. Just do it! Step out of your comfort zone and act by faith. What could possibly go wrong when you have the God of the universe by your side?