Monday, April 6, 2009

Closer to Love

I haven’t shared my thoughts in a while, but I've finally made time to sit and think about life...

The past 2 or so weeks haven’t made much sense to me at all. I was confused about everything that was in front of my eyes and was constantly being short with people and what they had to say (I’m sorry if I did that to you). I would turn my shoulder, not listen to a word anyone said and do my own thing. In complete honesty it was pathetic. I kept getting frustrated with life in general and it made me sick to think about. Have you ever felt like you’re not yourself sometimes or why you’ve acted a certain way that isn’t the normal you? Those were the questions I kept asking myself because I couldn’t understand what was different. I think I’ve finally found the answer to this question…

I woke up slowly one day this past weekend after a long night of restless sleep. I couldn’t help but hear the numerous birds chirping outside my window. It seemed as though they were composing a beautiful melody, not a note was out of tune or out of place. In anticipation of what the day had in store I threw of the covers, rolled out of bed and walked outside. As I opened the door a brilliant rush of warmth came over me from head to toe. The bright sun was shining so perfectly in the sky. I sat down on the steps of my back porch and closed my eyes. I began to think about late summer nights at the lake, where I would sit on the dock with my friends and talk for hours on end. Countless images played threw my mind. Then as I began to open my eyes a most wonderful breeze began to blow. I could feel the coolness of the air as it rushed by. These minutes filled my heart with utmost happiness. I had not felt like that in a long time, but I soon realized what was holding me back. It was my heart…

I believe that our outer actions, thoughts and words all parallel with our hearts. In other words, the reason we act or think a certain way is influenced by our relationship with Christ. If our heart and relationship with Christ isn’t on the right path then things are also going to go in the wrong direction. It could be something big or small, but no matter the circumstances our outer actions reflect our hearts. For example if we are short with someone and blow them off then something inside of us is definitely off track. It could be that we have been holding something inside for a long time, anger towards a friend or a broken relationship. It all boils down to the relationship we have with Jesus Christ. We must strive to live lives worthy of Christ and to give him all we have. Our hearts have to be made right with him. If not we won’t live like we were meant to. It all comes down to this…is Christ all you are?